A View into the Life of
Semi-nomadic Herdsman of TAJIKISTAN
Project executed
Janice Setser with the assistance of guides, translators, horses and a driver
45 days total: 20
days in spring / 20 days in summer + 5 days of preparation
Spring migration from Khatlon to Rasht Valley (RRS region
of Gharm – see map below)
Summer shepherding in Gharm and Jirgatol Districts of the
Rasht Valley of RRS
Those who watch after cows
Those who watch after sheep and
Can refer to anyone watching out for
cows, sheep or goats
Those who watch over herds of horses
Pasture in Tajik and Uzbek / Kyrgyz
Semi-nomadic pasture people of Tajikistan:

This is a journey of many steps. To be precise,
the first portion alone will be nearly 416,460 steps – or 350 kilometers (208
miles), starting in the dry southern region of this little-explored territory of
Central Asia, known as Tajikistan, and walking to higher, greener pastures in
the northeast of the country, the Rasht Valley. In what is tellingly called the
Region of Republican Subordination (RRS), live hundreds of podabon, molbon, and
galabon, with their enormous flocks and herds, for between three to five
months, depending on the elevation, weather, and food available to the
livestock. Fixed territories are
assigned by the Governors of each district in the Valley, and these herders - both
men and women, depending on which ethnic group they are from - endure the
elements and sometimes battle wild animals such as bears and wolves, among other
hardships not yet identified. Their lives are austere, the elements harsh and
unforgiving, and there is no rest. Little
is understood about their journeys, about their lives for that period of
shepherding, the impact of their absence on their households, nor what it is
they do for the rest of the year.
This expedition will touch upon the shepherd’s
lives away from the pastures and while herding; on their struggles in and out
of the pastures, their daily schedule, their impressions of the changes in
landscape, nature, and the climate, the politics of herding and obtaining land,
ownership issues, compensation, and for how long they have been herding. It will also look at land management issues and
consider herding as a livelihood in general.
It will include as well a look at the issues that are pertinent and
relevant to them that may be undefined prior to setting out.
This expedition is intended to raise awareness
about this vast unknown sub-culture of Tajikistan. Presentations of the journey
and discoveries made will be made after the trip, and a book containing photos
and the stories of the Uzbek, Tajik, and Kyrgyz herders throughout the Rasht
Valley will be published as a cultural and historical memoir.
The Uzbeks
Each spring thousands of
sheep and goats travel 250 to 300 miles by foot, under the careful watch of
semi-nomadic herders. These
predominantly Uzbek shepherds are moving from the south of Tajikistan, where
pastures are sparse and finished early, to the high mountainous regions of the
Rasht Valley where they spend four to five months away from their homes to
pasture and care for the animals. They
live in simple tents and on scarce resources.
The majority of the livestock under their care largely belongs to
others, and, in at least some of the cases, they are government owned. The herdsmen are assigned territories
throughout the Rasht Valley each year.
How those territories are defined and assigned and paid for remains to
be determined. During the spring, a car trip to the capital city of Dushanbe can
be prolonged by an hour or more if one encounters eight or nine such mol-trains
(herds) on the narrow, two-lane road that is on one side, mountainous and on
the other, dangerous cliffs that give way to the red river, sometimes hundreds
of meters below.

The Tajiks
In Rasht District, a
collection – usually of four men from each village - will set up tents or other
makeshift types of lodging in their allocated territories and will care for the
cows, or goats, and sheep of their village. The shepherds take turns, working
two-by-two, anywhere from five to ten days on, followed by five to ten days
off. The length of time will depend on
the distance from their village.
In addition, these
shepherds are often the responsible person in their household for harvesting
hay in the late summer months, which puts an additionally heavy burden of labor
on them, in particular when the harvest falls during Ramazan – the Muslim
period of fasting.
The Kyrgyz
primary inhabitant of the jailoo in
the Jirgatol district of Tajikistan is the woman. While young men and boys may accompany them
as the shepherds, walking the sheep and goats out to pastures daily, it is the
women who are the mainstays of the pastureland and care for the bovine members
of their herds, milking and processing up to 80 liters of milk daily (18
gallons). The primary lodging in this
area is the yurt – a rounded (although some are rectangular) felt tent-like
structure that is highly decorated on the inside and contains a small stove for
heating and cooking. In areas where
avalanches are not a threat, more permanent structures have been built – single-room
mud huts. In Jirgatol, there are road
systems to most of the jailoos, in contrast to many of the pastures in the
Gharm region, which are only accessible by horse, foot, or donkey.
Janice Setser has lived
in Tajikistan for a total of seven years.
She spent two years living and working in five different districts of Khatlon,
and the other five living in Garm and working in three districts of the Rasht
Valley. The contrast in her experiences
has fascinated her, and while the Rasht Valley is well known to be more
conservative and religious, it is here that she has found an unusual freedom, a
home, and a belonging. After four years of managing large health and
agriculture projects and acting as head of base for a large non-governmental
organization, she ventured to remain in the remote valley, pursuing some of the
other opportunities that called to her passions. Among the many things attracting her attention
is a focus on development of youth, business, tourism, the honey sector, and
her own spiritual growth and personal development, including studying photography and
writing. The cultures and landscapes of
Tajikistan provide a rich weave in which to practice and work. It is her wish to honorably give a voice to
the voiceless.
Addendum: Be looking for an opportunity to fund this project on www.indiegogo.com soon. More information will be available here shortly.