I just realized recently that I had not even posted a photo of our beautiful Rasht Valley. I love this place to the core of my being. Don't know if I can even explain it articulately or poetically, or any other way, but it is now in my marrow. The picture on the top is the town I live in, Gharm, and the one on the bottom is looking up the valley towards Kyrgyzstan.
I finally had my first meeting with 10 honey producers to discuss the merits of starting a honey cooperative. This will be my first foray into this world of business and I may just end up stumbling blindly through each process until and unless a number of angel helpers step in to guide my way. I am excited beyond measure or words. I think the potential for our success is enormous. Rasht Valley honey is, beyond a doubt in my mind, some of the BEST HONEY IN THE WORLD. And, according to a honey report I read today, "Demand continues to outweigh supply for honey in the world market. Prices remain very strong for all the available honey." Bee-ware world, here we come.